Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"No One Else Can Play Your Part"

November 10. World Suicide Prevention Day.

In this day and age, depression and self-harm are incredibly common. According to To Write Love On Her Arms (or TWLOHA), a leading organization fighting these diseases, more than 350 million people suffer from depression worldwide and 9.7% of Americans suffer from mood disorders (such as depression). The website also states that between 14 and 24 percent of youth have self-harmed at least once, with suicide being the third leading cause of death for Americans between 15 and 24.

These statistics are high. Too high. And there are ways to help. I can guaruntee that each and every one of you have met someone that is suffering from depression, or has in the past. It is something that can plague even those that seemingly have everything together. For example, yours truly. It's something that was present in my life through high school, and still causes some problems today. And, as afore stated, 9.7% of Americans have the same issue as I do.

Depression is hard to explain. Some days it can be crippling, making it virtually impossible to even get out of bed. But most days, it's just a nagging feeling in the back of your head. Something feeling slightly off, being the tiniest bit distracting, yet not completely tearing you down. But it is always there.

If you are struggling with depression, you are not alone. Reach out to me, to a close friend, a parent, a sibling--I was scared to say anything for a long time. I understand not wanting to feel like a burden. But you aren't. People love you and people care. Chances are, people already may even have a hunch. So go ahead and talk. Let it out. And if you aren't quite ready to talk about it, write it down. I am a firm believer in writing everything down. As Anna Nalick so aptly puts it in her song Breathe (2 a.m.), "If I get it all down on paper it's no longer inside of me, threatening the life it belongs to."

Today was created for a very specific reason: to help those that feel the most alone and let them know that they aren't.

If you are one of those feeling alone, take today to feel less alone. You are loved, you are important, and you are going to do great things. Never forget that.

If you aren't, then take today to reach out and show your love to someone. Maybe you know that they are struggling, maybe you don't But either way, we all need to feel loved. And today is the perfect day to express that.

Thanks for following along on my journey, and for taking the step to be brave for yourself and for someone else. Love you all.