Monday, August 24, 2015

Just breathe.

Hey there, kids: I'm back. It's been almost a year since I have had time to write a blog post--kind of scary.

But, I remembered how to get on here and am going to try to be more diligent in making time to write posts because in all honesty, this thing is kind of therapeutic. And Lord knows I need something like that right now (as my mom and boyfriend can attest to) because I am about to begin my final year of college.

This is a scary thing, as any fellow or former seniors can attest to. So many questions are running through my head: will I be able to get a job? How much is an apartment going to be in Pittsburgh? How bad will the commute be? Will I have time this year with all of my responsibilities for school to really prepare for post-grad?

Like I said, scary.

But, as those that I have spoken to about this have been reminding me, I need to focus on what I can control. Things like my grades, how much I am involved in, keeping up with running, and fostering my relationships while I am still regularly around my college friends. I have a habit (one that is both a blessing and a curse) of always wanting to plan ahead. This can be good when it comes to things like budgeting and figuring out when I will see my boyfriend, but bad when I stress out about the things I listed above.

So for now, I will just focus on breathing and enjoying my senior year. After all, it will be over before I know it.

Until next time (hopefully sooner rather than later), thanks for keeping up with me and keep on being your wonderful selves!