Saturday, July 5, 2014

Pigs and New Friends that I'm Pretty Sure I Knew in a Past Life. my title basically sums it all up, and I have no shame in it. But I guess since I've been MIA for a little while, I should elaborate. SO, here goes nothing.

First off, work. I love my job. I've said it before, and I will absolutely say it again: I LOVE my job. This whole writing/editing/social media thing? Right up my alley. I could do it for the rest of my life, and totally intend to. Heck, I'd skip out on the rest of school and just stay here in the 'Ville if I could!!

...just kidding Mom, Dad, and WC friends...

But really, it's been amazing. I'm working on some really great stories, and have some really amazing opportunities up ahead of me. So that's pretty fantastic, and I'm super happy about it.

So, when I first got to Kentucky I was super nervous about, you know, making friends. But I've been really lucky. Not only have I made some super awesome friends at work, but I have friends from this super snazzy new worshiping community that I've been sucked in to...Sweaty Sheep, I'm looking at you. This ministry is too cool, they are essentially a bunch of athletes! Runners, swimmers, cyclists...and YOGA! We have fun, and lots of it. I hang out with some of them so much, it's unreal. And I want to shoot a special shout-out to Tavi, their intern...I'm truly positive she was my best friend in a past life. We balance each other out splendidly and have fun no matter what the circumstances--including getting lost at the expo center and wandering through rows upon rows of giant pigs. Yes, pigs. It was something else, lemme tell ya.

Other things that I've done with Sweaty Sheep: help to host 31 college students that are currently biking across the country. They started in Rhode Island and are on their way to Cali!! They are biking to raise money for Habitat for Humanity, it's a really cool organization! Something I would definitely want to do...summer after I graduate? Heck yes. It was quite the event, involving a trip to the bike store with one of the guys because his bike broke, sleeping on a one person mattress with Tavi (while using a giant stuffed animal sheep as a pillow and a prayer shawl/snuggie combination as blankets), and waking up at 4:30 am to feed the cyclists before they got back on the road. As crazy as the night sounds, we had a lot of fun and I wouldn't have wanted to spend it any other way.

Alright, well, this week is slated out to be fairly busy, so I'm sure I'll have some stories soon. Thanks for walking with me on this journey, love y'all!!!

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