Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I'm baaaack!!

Hello, ladies and gents! Sorry about the extended hiatus there--my laptop crashed. Again. It has been quite the experience, let me tell you. A very stressful one. But, all in God's plans, right? It'll work itself out, and for the time being, I have a loaner from the office to keep me going. All is well!

So a lot has happened since I last posted. For example, I've made some friends!! They all work at the Presbyterian Center as communicators, as well! They are wonderful and a lot of fun to hang out with, be it for lunch, a giant girls night at someone's apartment, or shopping. I'm very blessed to have some people close to my age to hang out with that are working with the same stuff I am.

Other things that have happened: my story about Lawrence Bartel and the Jesus Trail (which you can read if you click here) has gotten a lot of airtime and by one of the heads in my department was described as "the poster-child for her plans." That felt pretty good, especially because I loved writing it so much!

I also am working on my FEATURE STORY for Presbyterian's Today right now!! Which, if you're a Presbyterian and fall into the 16-25 age range, I may be getting in touch with you over the next month or two to interview you. However, I'll really get the bulk of my research done when I'm at General Assembly in Detroit, which leads me into my next point...

I leave for Detroit on Thursday!!! Almost time to go! Can you tell that I'm excited? A new city is ALWAYS a good thing! Plus I get to see my dad--even if it isn't for too long, it will be really nice. Another trip has been added in, as well--one that I don't think I've mentioned on here: I'll be back in New Wilmington at Mother Fair for about ten days in July! I can't guarantee how much time I'm going to have, but I will be there and if time allows I would love to see people! We'll see if we can make that happen. I'll be covering the New Wilmington Mission Conference, it should be a really great experience.

Alright, that about sums up life on my end for now! Expect to hear a lot during General Assembly (even if it is at weird times). Hope all is well with you lovely people, and as always, thank you for going on this journey with me!

P.S. If you're in need of some inspiration, here is Jim Carrey's commencement speech. He nailed it.

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