Monday, May 19, 2014

Day One...CHECK!

Well, I made it through my first day as an intern, and without even a scratch. In fact, far from it -- I loved every second! I am already learning so much, and am meeting a lot of people that will help me this summer and hopefully in the future as well.

I started out the day with my usual cup of coffee and headed into the office, where I was handed my ID so that I can get into the building, signed a few papers, worked out some kinks with my email (technology likes to repel me sometimes), and then I dove straight into it all.

After a meeting, I headed off to work and began organizing all the commissioners for the General Assembly of the PC(USA) in order by presbytery (I never realized how many there were, holy smokes), edited my first story for the Presbyterian News Service, and learned how to stick stories online so that they can be distributed out to everyone that reads them! It's a lot simpler than anticipated, so that's positive.

And then, my oh-so-wonderful boss Jerry took me around to meet people in the building, always a fun experience. I work with the coolest people, and they all have such wonderful stories.

It's going to be a great summer, I can tell already. Hope all of y'all are doing well, and I'll check back in soon! Love always from the Bluegrass State!