Monday, May 26, 2014

It's a Good Life

There is nothing more gratifying than realizing that what you THINK you want to do with your life is indeed what you REALLY want to do with your life. Writing and communications is the route that I need to be pursuing (there you go, Mom and Dad -- no more changes to the major. I'm done. I hope you're as happy as I am!) and it feels great.

I spent the week writing, editing, going to editorial meetings for the magazine (!!) and learning the ropes of the communications department in the Mission Agency for PC(USA). It was such a joy to meet all the people that I will be working with for the summer; there are some REALLY cool people there! They've traveled, love the same things I love, and are passionate about the church and communicating it's events to others in the church.

"Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences," is a line from Sylvia Plath's "The Bell Jar that comes to mind: this internship is truly letting me live (from taking the bus to work some days to doing my own grocery shopping), love the people whose stories I tell through the written word, and  write, whether it be for myself, for you, or for a specific audience through one of the publications that I am working for. And what a joy that has already been for me.

Already, huge opportunities have risen up for me to take. I will be attending the General Assembly of the PC(USA) in just a few weeks as a part of the Newsroom staff in Detroit, I'll get to head back to Mother Fair for the New Wilmington Mission Conference in July (if you're going to be there, maybe I'll see you!!), and in August I get to head to St. Pete's Beach for the Evangelism and Church Growth Conference. I have had the opportunity to edit for both Presbyterians Today (the magazine, also known as PT) and The Presbyterian News Service (PNS). I've written two stories already for PNS, one of which was published last week and the other will be published this coming Wednesday. And, in meeting with the editor-in-chief for PT, I was informed that I will have the opportunity to write various pieces for them, including a feature story that will be published in a later issue!

So, as you have probably gathered, I'm loving life. Between work and my awesome host-family, things couldn't be better.

Thanks for following me in this journey. I hope you all have wonderful memorial Days, and I will be back again soon!

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