Thursday, May 15, 2014

Guys, I'm Home!

So....I made it to Louisville! My dad and I had a nice long car ride during which we listened to a lot of music, made a lot of really random stops (Two outlet complex's in one day? I mean...okay. Whatever it takes), and talked about the future. You know, since I kind of graduate soonish. By soonish I mean in two years, but it has been my observation that time keeps passing by faster and faster. So whatever will be next is going to be next sooner rather than later.

Anyway, so here I am in Louisville! I'm moved into my first housing location, where I will be staying until Monday when I move into my more "permanent" home. Conveniently, it isn't far from where I currently am. Even more conveniently, the space that I am renting belongs to my boss (or one of them, anyway). So that certainly makes commuting easier.

Even though I don't truly start until this coming Monday, I went into the office on Tuesday to go to a few meetings and get the lay of the land at the Presbyterian Center. I hadn't been there since I was in elementary school (aside from when I had my interview), and it was so nice to be walking on somewhat familiar turf. Even just being downtown was amazing, I feel so at home in Louisville. Sorry mom and dad...suburbia doesn't quite match up to city life. It was good to grow up in, but being able to walk everywhere and have so many options of things (both food-wise and entertainment-wise) is pretty freakin' awesome.

Anyway, the office. I work with some great people, all of whom are passionate about the same things as I am: writing and the church. It's wonderful, and I feel so welcome. It's going to be a great summer. I have my own cubicle, there is a kitchen, my advisor Bethany's office is right by mine should I have questions, and everyone is excited about my being there.

On top of that excitement, I applied for a waitress/hostessing job at my favorite restaurant in the city, Mark's Feed Store, and got called back for an interview. So THAT'S pretty cool. I have my interview on Sunday, so good vibes being sent my way would be solid. It would be nice to have a second job, both to keep me busy in the evenings since I don't know too many people my age around here and to be able to save a little extra money this summer. But we shall see!

Until I start work, I'll been doing that stereotypical college thing called "Netflix binging." Who knew that "Once Upon a Time" is such a great show?! I'm addicted, and have no shame. It certainly is keeping me entertained until I start work.

Well, I think that's it for now. Y'all take care of yourselves, and I'll check back in soon.

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